Friday, December 19, 2008


Dear Kelly,
Yes, I am in fact still alive. My finances are also doing rather well in a general sense but I'll admit that they're also a blur. My new job came with a new paycheck that has made me rather happy as has the fall in gas prices both nationwide and as a result of my move to a cheaper fuel area. These facts are almost enough to justify my multiple monthly 8 hours on the turnpike to see my new husband.
I'm crashing in my Aunts (canary yellow) spare room until I find a place to call my own so I have few expenses. This almost justifies the massive cash hemorrhage that actually going out with my Aunt in the evening seems to cause.
Of course just when I have a handle on my average paycheck December rolls around and I need to elect how much to put into the company 401K, and how much supplemental insurance to get. Accident insurance sounds like a rather good idea in my line of work and recreation. Sickness seems like a reasonable idea since accident doesn't cover tetanus... I see a lot of rust in my line of work.
The cost of living out here is much higher (rent in a decent neighborhood can easily run $900 a month) and I'm driving a lot more. I've done some house hunting but the economy falling to pieces is deterring me from making any hasty moves.
I admit it, I'm in a holding pattern financially and my only certainty is that it is a terribly inconvenient time to be in your 20's, but I don't intend to stay here so tune in next week (or whenever) for my exciting adventures.

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