Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Why is my bank account piddly

Kelly's post hits home since I'm getting tired of the cluttered yet bare look that my apartment seems to have taken on but since I could be moving in about a year I'm hesitant to make any big changes. I'm going to see what I can do to improve my home without sacrificing mobility or my security deposit.
As for baking soda and vinegar I'm pretty sure About.com had a section about that on their frugal living site but it's under new management now so that might have changed. Either way I like to browse through there from time to time for inspiration.
As rent is coming due soon I looked over my bank account recently to assess the damage it would cause. I'm seeing less growth than I'd like given my current savings goal is to match last year's contributions. I know that doesn't sound like much but given that last year I had a housemate who contributed financially for about 4 months I'm calling it pretty ambitious.
That being the case I'm going to have to do some things this year that I didn't last including finally seeing if I can take my phone company up on a low income rate offer that I'm pretty sure I qualify for. I'm also going to try to sell some old craft items on EBay or Craigslist which unfortunately requires actually learning how to use these sites. I am looking forward to my gas meter reading since my last bill was obscene and given what I think my average usage is versus what I had to pay I may not have a gas bill again for about 2 months. That is once they see the error of their ways.
My other goal for the month is to use up all food in the freezer that's a year old. My housemate left me a few items that I've never taken the time to use and freezer burn is not frugal! In my next post you'll probably learn how a year old frozen Boca burger tastes.
My corn plant is doing well but the sun wants to burn the leaves off of it. I can't say I'll be heartbroken if it dies but I was rather looking forward to having a stalk of corn in my house. The tomato isn't doing anything so I might have to force it a little. I'm thinking of sending some seeds of my own to the people who sent me those since donations from their members are what make those free seeds possible. The trouble is that most of my plants don't self seed and are indoors so the number I can send is somewhat limited.
I have also planted an apple seed from my lunch of a week ago and I'm curious to see how that goes. My apartment is getting a little leafy even for me but I still have a few seeds I'd like to try so I'll have to get creative.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Yes, there has been much blogging of late. And there is more to come! I'm excited about some of my recent discoveries/experiments in process/plans.

My first rule of thriftiness, which I have somehow neglected to mention up until this point, is also a rule that I have trouble putting into practice. It is this: your place looks classier and more expensive and better-outfitted when it's clean and organized. I guess I'm a minimalist in severe denial, but nothing says "classy and rich" to me like something simple, clean, elegant, and understated. Riddle me why I have such a messy life and fantastical taste in skirts, but deep down, I admire bare surfaces and simple black dresses.

I have spent some time cleaning my apartment lately. My buy-nothing May is failing miserably, but back when I was still doing well, I did look up instructions for making your own toilet bowl cleaner. I was surprised to find that people actually clean toilets with nothing more than baking soda, vinegar, and a bowl brush. I tried it and was suitably amazed. This led me to try scrubbing the nasty soap scum in the bathroom sink with baking soda, vinegar, and a bristle scrub brush. The totally astounding transformation led me to try the same tools on my horrifying bathtub. It is horrifying no more. Today I scrubbed out the kitchen sink with my foamy friends, baking soda and vinegar, and wiped the clean stainless steel down with baby oil afterwards for some extra shine. Gorgeousness, people-- gorgeousness. And here I always thought Heloise was a crazy old bat for raving about baking soda and vinegar.

I have discovered a new resource, as well: The Pink of Perfection. I'm gradually wading through the archives. Most of her great ideas are nothing Althea hasn't already done, but maybe with best friend up the road and total stranger girl on the Web BOTH reupholstering chairs they pick up on the street, I will actually follow the good example. I have already been inspired to try a little window/balcony herb garden! I went to Lowe's today and stocked up on some pots and got a few starters: peppermint, Greek oregano, common sage, and curled parsley. Althea says she can give me cuttings for a couple of more. We'll see how it goes. I left three of them out on the balcony for a while, until it got really windy and started to get cold, and they look really nice out there. I'll take a picture of my balcony soon and post it. It makes me happy.

I think my problem is that whereas Althea scrounges up free elements and combines them into amazing things and thus saves wads of money, I tend to go buy all of the components and put them together and wind up in the hole. Oh, dear. At least I have my baking soda and vinegar. And the jazz NPR station. Jazz makes your place sound classier, too...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Not to be outdone!

I see that Kelly has been busy while I wasn't paying attention so here I am getting my bum in gear.
I too am working on collecting cans for aluminum recycling though I don't know if I can get friends and relatives in on the deal as most (other than Kelly) are too far to bother themselves. *sigh* Still it's worth a try. :)
Speaking of relatives my Mother came down to visit for Mother's Day (her idea) but it made for a nice cheap present. Of course the weekend was a bit of a financial adventure since we had to return a DVD VCR machine 2 times and buy 3 of them just to get the correct machine that also worked. I was ready to show off my financial prowess by making them match the original sale price however by the time it was all finished the brand and store were different than the original and I was pretty sure I didn't have a leg to stand on. My Mother has now washed her hands of my appliances and if any break she is not to know about it.
As an interesting post script to that story she went home to have Dad tell her that a bear had gotten into the house while she was gone and eaten all the cat food and the edible trash. She is now afraid to leave the door open in the back in even broad daylight. On the up side I got to hear my father's condensed version of the tale rather than the hour long version my mother would have told. Mother's day is over and I'm back to being a bad daughter I guess.
My vacuum died with a spark and a puff of ozone a week or so ago from a frayed power cord. I knew this time was coming so I was keeping an eye out for other dead vacuums with whole cords that I or someone I trust a little more with the task could mate to the machine.
Thankfully providence struck and a vacuum showed up on the lawn of one of my neighbors on garbage night. It became mine. The cord is pristine and longer than the original so I think we'll be very happy together. Thank God too since my apt looks grody!
Does anyone know if you can eat Indian corn? Can you grind it to cornmeal at least? I had one kernel left over from God knows what and planted it thinking that it could turn a profit either by providing food or sell able decorations (I don't decorate much myself because I'm cheap, poor and a Scrooge!) Well unexpectedly and against all logic it actually began to grow and here I am. Oh and if you're wondering the pot and dirt were trash picked. Woo hoo!
I also had a pot leftover from last years Roma tomato which survived the winter but not the spring. I was going to save the seeds from its last tomato but I actually managed to get some free online (woo hoo again!) and planted 1 in the pot.
I really scored big time when I dropped off some coupons I couldn't use to my other swapper and she gave me a basket of strawberries she had (buy one get 2 free). I got 2 free meals out of that and then planted the tops that had some seeds on in a pot I had once again scavenged. They didn't do anything for a week or so but now there are tiny delicate seedlings growing and I will be able to provide my own fruit in about a year. (Apparently strawberries don't typically produce in their first year.) Clearly more research into things I can grow and eat at the same time is needed!
I already grow herbs and some more useless plants (don't get an air purifier unless you're a total black thumb tee hee![ hey you needed a break from "woo hoo" admit it]) including edible/ornamental peppers but I want to grow more real food so I can ya' know EAT. I'm also experimenting with wild onions transplanted and seeded so hopefully I can flavor my rather bland homemade soups. I'd use the slow cooker but I can't quite believe that it would use less money in electricity being on all day than my gas stove for half an hour... Maybe someday.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Fighting the good fight

Just a brief update on my latest adventures:

* I have decided that festooning wet laundry all over my apartment and on a jury-rigged clothesline on my little balcony is not worth saving the 75 cents that it takes to run the dryer. If I had more clothesline space, I would probably reconsider, but it just took way too long to find places to hang things. I shall continue to dry most of my work clothes on racks and rods to save wear & tear on slacks and such items that are not easily replaced, but the rest will go into the dryer.

* I received a $30 refund check in the mail today from my car insurance company; apparently my "new" 2000 Honda Civic sedan is cheaper to insure than my '98 Dodge Neon sport sedan. Who woulda thunk it? I guess there is the anti-theft system. Anyway, I'm not complaining. And that's probably pro-rated. :D It helped offset the cost of my...

* Goodwill trip! I needed to buy shorts for the summer; two or so pairs was what I had originally allotted myself to buy. As I have mentioned in previous posts, however, my local Goodwill is more like a Goldmine, and I can't resist gold fever. I swung by today after work and snapped up an American Eagle hoodie, a polo shirt from the Gap, two skirts (one American Eagle and the other Aeropostale), two pairs of shorts (one brand I didn't recognize and one ABERCROMBIE & FITCH), a pair of Old Navy khakis, and a birthday card and a wedding card-- for $26.49. How freakin' sweet is that?! The Abercrombie shorts are amazing. They're not worth retail, no way, but $2.99? Oh, yeah. :) My goal is to look like I spend a lot of money... without spending a lot of money. Goodwill helps with this. A lot.

* My mom thinks she sold my old car-- for our asking price, no less. So that should help replenish the anemic savings account.

* I enrolled in the rewards program at my bank today. I'll let you know how it goes. One of my coworkers encouraged me to join and also told me about the bank's online bill-pay system. You designate the amount and nothing happens automatically; you still control how much goes where when, but you do it online for free. Sounds good. I'm going to give it a shot with my phone and credit card bills. :)

* I got my first Wal-Mart free sample the other day! A Knorr side dish. It's a regular packet, too, so I essentially got a free dinner and I'm excited to give it a try.