Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A thought or ten.

I had a thought. I'm not a natural blogger, sad but true however, this blog was born out of Kelly and my e mails about our financial hacks and mis-hacks and e mail is something I'm very comfortable with. Even better than e mail however is the old fashioned letter. It always came as a fun and more natural way or organizing my thoughts. So I decided to get back to basics a little.
Heck stamps are going up again soon so really it fits with theme no?
Dear Kelly,
Well I'm officially unemployed. Everyone keeps asking me me how it feels to be "free" or unemployed. So far I keep telling them that it feels like a clean apartment because that is my big goal aside from getting another job.
I've decided to play a little game, Let's see How Long I can Keep this $30 in My Pocket. I'm already about to blow some of it on mailing this package to a friend but I'm thinking of it as an investment since she's sent good stuff before including the all important flush able cat litter! That and since the package contains DVD's she loaned me it definitely counts as media mail which is fairly cheap. The postal service doesn't need to know that the DVD's are packed with candles, crafts and a $.99 pot of lavender courtesy of the friend of the unemployed Wal Mart.
I write this from the office where I have just turned in my final report ( and a stack of printed letters) because the printer broke on my last day. I also wanted to use their packing tape since I don't have any myself and charge my cell phone battery since, they don't pay electricity, I do and I also can use up a cell battery in a day if I actually use the phone.
Ex Boss man said he might take me out to lunch today, which would be cool since at home I'm staring at 18 eggs leftover from this weekends camping trip and a thing of cottage cheese, wondering which will go bad first and if the two can be combined. That and the nastiest trail mix I ever made courtesy dried mango.
May the force be with you.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A goal achieved!

Just a very quick update to celebrate my discovery that I have a positive net worth! My quarterly report arrived on my retirement portfolio today. If I add that and my emergency fund and a couple of other little accounts together, it outweighs the outstanding balance on my student loans by about $370.

Baby steps.