Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm in the money!

Dear Kelly,
Let the good times roll!
Well in the game of how long can I make the cash in my wallet stay there it was about a week or 2 before all my earnings evaporated into another ATM withdrawal.
About half of it went towards shipping books and crafts that I've sold so I can't complain since I'll be getting that money back eventually but then a friend had a BYO specialty Beer party and that took the last half plus a little. Of course, that's not why I'm celebrating.
The first good event was finally going down to the scrap yard and turning in my bags of aluminum cans (and one of an old gutter someone threw out) and making a grand total of $18.05. Sure I can't even fill my gas tank on that but it will keep my wallet from growling with hunger for a little while...if I don't drive anywhere.
After that I finally rolled all the dimes that had begun to spill out of the barbell style glass I had been saving them in. Now I really can fill my gas tank because I had saved a cool $170! Of course as per my agreement with myself it's going into savings where I hope not to touch it.
Also I've done a little work for my old employer since I became employment sold separately girl and I think my boss took a little pity on me and threw a little cash my way for services rendered.
Instant Karma Rocks my Christmas Socks, Althea.